Environment Visual Development

Visual Development for One Summer Night.
Environment Thumbnail Sketches

Visual Development for One Summer Night.
Visual Development Thumnail

Visual Development for One Summer Night.
Visual Development

Visual Development for One Summer Night.
Stylized Environment Concept Art

I illustrated this environment concept art as part of my personal work.
First, I imagined a world and sketched it where each house has its terrain. However, I realized in the coloring stages that you cannot get anywhere with a car. Therefore, I added a plane which felt better for the house to be alone within a large forest. The house was the hero. Hence, I felt this layout made it pop more.
I was influenced by minimalistic illustration, a spark from old-school Looney Toons, and Disney concept art.
Stylized cave environment

Created this stylized cave environment concept art using photoshop. I blocked the composition and layout using grayscale and silhouettes, then overlay colors and finished adding lights using color dodge.
World Creator: Environment Art

Created with World Creator using custom textures.